Members of The Arts Society Kensington & Chelsea enjoy quality lectures, by lecturers accredited to The Arts Society specialising in the arts and artistic heritage, every month from October to July, in the Kensington Central Library Lecture Hall. Members also have the opportunity to join curated visits in and around London as well as overseas trips.

Find out more

Upcoming Lectures

Our lectures will ve held either via Zoom or in the lecture hall and our visits and trips will be listed on the website as and when we can organise group visits. Please keep updated via our website and email noticeboards.

You can view our archives of past trips and lectures here

Our lectures will be held either via Zoom or in the Kensington Library lecture hall and our visits and trips will be listed on the website as and when we can organise group visits. Please keep updated via our website and email noticeboards.

You can view our archives of past trips and lectures here

Upcoming Visits

Our lectures will be held either via Zoom or in the Kensington Library lecture hall and our visits and trips will be listed on the website as and when we can organise group visits. Please keep updated via our website and email noticeboards.

You can view our archives of past trips and lectures here