About the Arts Society Kensington & Chelsea

The Arts Society Kensington Chelsea, affiliated to The Arts Society (formerly NADFAS), is a voluntary organisation meeting for lectures in the Kensington Central Library Lecture Hall at 12 Phillimore Walk, W8 7RX. The Arts Society Kensington Chelsea was founded in 1973 by Pam Boas and every November The Pam Boas lecture is held in her memory.

Members are brought together through a shared curiosity for the arts and our artistic heritage, with a programmer of lectures given by lecturers accredited to The Arts Society who share their specialist knowledge about the arts.

The Arts Society Kensington & Chelsea is an independently registered Charity with funds received via the Gift Aid scheme being used to support charities within the Borough normally associated with the young arts. Our Heritage Volunteering programme is an important part of our role within The Arts Society who currently have more than 30 members working on a wide range of projects within the Greater London Area. We also hold a series of visits throughout the year, both within London and throughout the country, as well as overseas trips.

New members are welcomed throughout the year. Should you wish to attend a lecture to see if you would like to join, please make yourselves known at the door.  We ask for a small donation of £5.00 to be made at the door and we look forward to meeting you.

The Arts Society Kensington Chelsea has a twinning arrangement with The Arts Society in Sydney and Cairns.

Click here to see the list of our Committee members.

Membership benefits

Joaquín Sorolla, Elena en la Playa, Biarritz, 1906

Dulwich Picture Gallery

Upcoming events