Become a member

The annual subscription is payable at the end of December and the rate for 2023-24 is £50 per person which includes all the lectures.

Members are welcome to bring guests to the lectures, just make sure to provide us with their email address.

For further information email:

To apply for membership please complete this online application form. If you are already a member and wish to renew your subscription, please complete this form.

The Arts Society Kensington & Chelsea (TASKC) is a registered Charity. If you are a taxpayer and wish TASK&C to claim 25p from the Inland Revenue for each pound of your subscription, please tick the Gift Aid box on the application form.

N.B. Please check you are seeing the latest info on the website and seeing the latest forms by refreshing the page in your browser either by clicking the refresh button or pressing the F5 key.

Kenwood House

Scagliola table top

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